Terrible Mistakes in Learning English Speaking and Writing

By M.Akmal
January 29, 2020

Warning for all learners!

Don’t make these terrible mistakes in learning.

When you are learning English speaking and writing, avoid these mistakes, so you could become a good learning at all.

The worst problem with the learners is cram, which destroys their career at all.

Don’t make this mistake. Learn the words instead of cramming.

When you cram the words, the get slip away from your mind and couldn’t help you in speaking.

Cramming the words means you are destroying your time, mental power and English vocabulary.

So, get rid of this problem and start learning the words instead of cram.

Same is for how to write accurately in English!

If you a sound and natural vocabulary; it will help you in English writing.

So, if you want to become a good English writer, then learn new words in a natural way.

Cramming the words is one of the most Common mistakes in English speaking and writing.

Unfortunately, the Education system in Pakistan is not good enough to provide a success guideline.

Muhammad Akmal’s Tips for English learning are great for you to learn English spoken and writing.

Watch this complete video by Muhammad Akmal to learn about how to improve your English learning process:

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