What is Google Penalty in SEO | How to Rank on Google

By M.Akmal
January 27, 2020

Have you every penalized by Google?

What is Google Penalty?

Watch this video if you want to know about Google Penalty in SEO and how to get recover from a Google penalty.

Do you know about Google?

Basically, Google is a Search Engine (backed by heavy and large databases and collection of websites, web pages and other forms of information), which is used by public to search for required information.

What is a Google Update?

In reference of Google Search Engine, a Google update is a set of changes that Google usually makes in its search and rank algorithm.

A Google update provides the guidelines to Search engine Optimization expert about what to do and how to do in future.

Google Algorithm Quality Guidelines consisted of directions and guides for webmasters for how to rank their website in the future as well as how avoid from the damaging factors.

From time to time, Google makes changes in its allowing and restricting factors for webmasters, regarding different implementations on the websites; these are called Google updates.

Some of major Google updates are given below:

  • Google panda update
  • Google penguin update
  • Google hummingbird updates
  • Google pirate updates
  • Google knowledge graph

If you want to do SEO for your website avoiding Google penalties, then you should know about how Google Works. It would be easy for you to rank your website fast, if you know about how Search Engine Works.

Understanding with Google Algorithm will also help you in learning about what is Search Engine Optimization and how to rank your website in Google and other Search engines.

Do you want to learn about how to do SEO in 2020 and onward? Watch this Video:

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