How to Pronounce Burn in American and British English

By M.Akmal

February 5, 2020

How to Pronounce Burn in American and British English

This is a great opportunity for you to improve your English vocabulary on finger tips. Watch this 4 minute video to learn about


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How to Pronounce COOK in American and British English

By M.Akmal

February 5, 2020

How to Pronounce COOK in American and British English

Say goodbye to English vocabulary problems! Watch this 4 minute video and learn about how to improve vocabulary in English easi


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How to Speak English word Pronunciation in English Accent

By M.Akmal

February 5, 2020

How to Speak English word Pronunciation

Let’s learn the correct way of speaking of English word "pronunciation". Take Muhammad Akmal’s


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How to Pronounce Procrastination in English Accent

By M.Akmal

January 29, 2020

How to Pronounce Procrastination

Muhammad Akmal is teaching you about how to speak English words correctly through professional video tutorials. Looking for som


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Terrible Mistakes in Learning English Speaking and Writing

By M.Akmal

January 29, 2020

Terrible Mistakes in Learning English

Warning for all learners! Don’t make these terrible mistakes in learning. When you are learning English speaking and w


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What is Google Penalty in SEO | How to Rank on Google

By M.Akmal

January 27, 2020

What is Google Penalty in SEO

Have you every penalized by Google? What is Google Penalty? Watch this video if you want to know about Google Penalty in SEO


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What are SEO Tools and How Do They Work?

By M.Akmal

January 24, 2020

SEO tools

Do you know about the SEO tools? What are SEO tools and why they are important? In this video, you will learn about what are


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How to live Happy Life | Amazing Happy Life Hacks

By M.Akmal

January 23, 2020

How to live Happy Life - Amazing Happy Life Hacks

Are you not living a happy life? Do you want to achieve this elusive goal? No need to do big things; just changing a few thi


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Common English Sentences Set 21

By M.Akmal

January 22, 2020

Common English Sentences Set 21

Do you want to speak English fluently? Learn commonly spoken English sentences. Watch this video to learn English sentences


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Common English Sentences Set 20

By M.Akmal

January 21, 2020

Common English Sentences

10 crazy sentences to speak English fluently! This video contains common English sentences that can help you improve daily Engl


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